Tag: Austin Chen Tai Chi

Digital Training

The CTC Breakdown:   Beijing Gongfu Jia Tai Chi historical routines encompass the Xin Jia 83 System of Chen Fake/ Zhaokui and Cannonfist- the feudal biomechanics and martial strategy are well-preserved.


“Once you have acquired the skills, you must test them on an opponent, but in no way should you consider victory or submission to be a cause for shame or

Contact Us

Instructor & Guild: At Ancient Chen Tai Chi, Kuan Wang serves as the primary instructor. He established the Qi Jiguang/Feudal Arts Research Organization in Austin, Texas, which draws inspiration from

Ancient Mindset

Qi Jiguang’s renowned treatises, Jixiao Xinshu or New Treatise on Military Efficiency, were developed from his experience as a martial educator and strategist in the Ming Era military. These works